Integrate learning with work
Now available with OpenSesame: Harvard ManageMentor®, the most trusted leadership development and deep skill-building resource

Choose Harvard ManageMentor today to get started with:
- Interactive exercises that prepare learners for real-world challenges
- Flexible features that let busy managers follow their own learning paths
- Downloadable tools and templates leaders can use right away
- Resources to help learners share what they learn with others in your organization
Expert advice from renowned business leaders
Build skills you can use to address the challenges you face every day.
Individual topics
Focus on specific management or business skills your team needs to master now. Each topic consists of several concise lessons along with a framework to help learners start applying their new skills immediately.
Skill packs
Choose from pre-curated topic collections or work with our experts to tailor one to your team’s needs. Skill packs combine three to four individual topics into an in-depth learning experience on key competencies like finance fundamentals or communicating effectively.
Full suite
Empower managers to build and refresh the skills they need to succeed on their own schedules. Complete access to all 42 individual topics equips your team with practical advice and tools to immediately address any management challenge they might face.